Albright Knox AKG

It has been great seeing the positive coverage of the Buffalo AKG Museum! We’re very grateful to Mark Byrnes at Bloomberg for highlighting our role in the project.

Mike and tom took the lead working with the AKG and OMA Architects over the course of two years to get the project through its necessary approvals.

“You can change the building as long as you follow guidelines that are going to respect it, retain the integrity, retain materials where you can,” says Tom Yots, founder of Buffalo-based Preservation Studios. “We just went through all of that with them. We told them that it was a negotiation; you’ll get some things you want and not get some others.”

The final design was easily approved in Spring 2019. “This is the one project I’ve worked on where no one lost sense of what the end had to be,” says Yots. “Everyone knew it had to happen.”

To make sure they got the ‘OK’ form preservationists for covering Bunshaft’s courtyard, the project team came up with a clever solution: “Common Sky” has an accession number. “It’s artwork acquired by the museum,” says Yots. “Framing it as a piece of the collection flipped the switch a bit with our colleagues at the SHPO.”

Read more HERE.


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